The mother lode of content creation is unique content that can be branded as solely belonging to the lawyer or firm. This can be produced and updated quarterly, annually or as news and events require. It establishes the publisher as an authority ...
Susan Kostal - June 4, 2018Producing content that serves readers and the business objectives of the publisher — in this case, your law practice — is the No. 1 goal of a content strategy. Building an effective body of content requires consistent outreach. If you’ve been at ...
Susan Kostal - May 1, 2018When awards season and Chambers nominations roll around, some firms find themselves scrambling to cobble together nomination applications. It’s understandable. I’ve been on both sides: crafting nominations, judging entries and writing copy about ...
Susan Kostal - April 2, 2018Welcome back to our "Year of Publishing Strategically." Having covered a variety of writing tips and tactics in this column, this year we are exploring the ins and outs of content strategy. Put another way, we are all about getting your content ...
Susan Kostal - March 5, 2018One fact that's always acknowledged in this column is that good content requires effort. It requires yours (which equals time and money) or someone else’s (which equals less time but more money). When speaking, I’ve railed against random acts of ...
Susan Kostal - February 1, 2018Too often, “client-focused” content translates as “let me tell you what you need, ” followed by “please don’t interrupt, I’m still talking.” One of the most exciting trends in law firm content is client-driven content — that is, stories about ...
Susan Kostal - January 2, 2018So you’ve spent a year creating content. You’ve written articles, created a client newsletter, are active on a blog and comment thread on your bar association website. You publish and provide comments in the local business press. And you ...
Susan Kostal - December 4, 2017The 80/20 rule is so ubiquitous that many of us have lost touch with its origins. Input/output? Sales leads/conversions? Clients/revenue? Greens/grains? Sharing my day/your day? Conceived by Vincent Pareto, the 80/20 rule, also known as the ...
Susan Kostal - November 1, 2017It can be tough to keep up with the content hamster wheel. Especially if you are trying to keep pace with bigger firms that seem to push out client alerts 24/7. So don’t drive yourself crazy. Get off the wheel. There’s still a way to publish ...
Susan Kostal - October 2, 2017We all struggle with conveying complicated ideas, whether in spoken or written communication. The issue is particularly acute in the fields of law and medicine, where professionals work to explain issues and situations in which the audience ...
Susan Kostal - September 5, 2017Sign up for our free newsletter.