
managing large docket cases
4 Tips for Attorneys Struggling to Manage Large Case Dockets

Meghan Cole | Tips for distilling large amounts of information into comprehensible and accessible reports. 

Meghan Cole - March 27, 2024
audiovisual evidence
Enhancing Trial Presentations with Audiovisual Evidence

As 3D modeling, virtual reality tours and video annotations develop, AV evidence will have an even greater impact in coming years.

Michael Murray - July 18, 2023
machine translation
Machine vs. Human Translation: When to Use Which for Legal Translation

Benjamin Roberts | Machine translation is fast and cheap, but depending on your purpose, a hybrid approach might be best.

Benjamin Roberts - June 30, 2022
judicial analytics
Forecasting the Forecasters: Upcoming Trends in Judicial Analytics

Nicole Clark, CEO of Trellis Research, explains some of the latest judicial analytics trends affecting the legal industry.

Nicole Clark - May 15, 2022
APIs for lawyers
APIs for Lawyers: Saving Time Through Automation

Josh Blandi explains the basics of APIs — what they are, why they matter, and how you can use them in your practice to save time and money.

Josh Blandi - April 15, 2022
AI tools
Law Firms of All Sizes Can Easily Integrate AI Tools Into eDiscovery

Ryan Rhodes | In the past 10 years, artificial intelligence tools have progressed exponentially in terms of accuracy and consistency.

Ryan Rhodes - January 13, 2022
calendaring software
Rules-Based Calendaring Software: Help Easing the Deadline Pain

If you’re a litigator, deadlines are an inescapable part of your practice. Your days are ruled by deadlines, including statutes of limitation, filing deadlines and discovery deadlines.

Nicole Black - August 25, 2021
taking depositions
Top 5 Tips: Taking Depositions in a Post-Pandemic World

Michael Murray | Remote depositions have gone from being a stopgap measure to commonplace. Here's what we've learned.

Michael Murray - July 16, 2021
document review
5 Considerations When Selecting a Document Review Provider

Briana Hulet and Bobby Coppola | Weigh these factors when selecting a document review provider to assist in e-discovery.

Briana Hulet and Bobby Coppola - March 31, 2021
virtual courtroon
Remote Trials in the Time of Corona: Who’s Zooming Who?

Nicole Clark | As more courts move to online trials, legal professionals raise about the kind of justice provided by a virtual courtroom.

Nicole Clark - March 3, 2021

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