One Thing I Did as a Young Lawyer to Catapult My Career

How to Find Success as a Young Lawyer

By Nicole Abboud

Millennial Lawyers

When you’re a young lawyer, you’ll receive a lot of advice from experienced attorneys about what you should be doing to set yourself up for success in the legal profession. In this video, I share the one thing I believe every young lawyer should do if they truly wish to be successful in their careers, however they define “success.”

Also read:

A Young Lawyer’s Path to Prosperity: Build a Powerful Personal Brand

By Jay Harrington

To borrow a phrase from Charles Dickens, for young lawyers in today’s legal market, it’s both the best of times and the worst of times. Worst of times because there’s no place to hide. Clients are less willing to pay for the time of young associates. Law firms, therefore, can’t afford to put up with mediocre performance. They are expecting more value from associates because clients are expecting more from them.

Things are changing so fast that young associates today face challenges that others before them did not. During the “good old days” there was great comfort in being told that you just needed to keep your head down and do good work, and everything else would fall into place in due time. you didn’t need to think about things like developing business because there was plenty of business to go around for talented lawyers. Today, any comfort derived from such advice is false. Want to make a big impact as a young associate? There’s little to stop you, except for your own limiting beliefs about what’s possible. Read more here.

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More on Attorney at Work:

Lead Like a Lawyer Episode 1: “You Might Be a Millennial Lawyer If …”

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Categories: Lead Like a Lawyer, Professional Development, Videos, You At Work
Originally published August 26, 2019
Last updated August 9, 2020
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Nicole Abboud Nicole Abboud

Nicole Abboud is a millennial leadership speaker, host of the award-winning podcast “The Gen Y Lawyer” and a former practicing attorney. You can learn more about her at www.nicoleabboud.com and on LinkedIn.

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