Getting Your Words In Order

It's true, writing is a lawyer’s primary tool and a great source of pride and identity. But isn’t it also true that once in a while a teensy-weensy wisp of doubt creeps in? In the grip of writer's block, you fixate on memories of those red-penciled obscenities in the margin of your first freshman writing assignment. Someone questions your use of a semicolon, say, and you feel suddenly unmoored. Or the question of one space or two after a period is raised over cocktails and your usual patina of expertise begins to crumble: “It’s two, damn it! Right ... ?” This week's five is for the writer inside us all—the brief jockey, the aspiring novelist, the blogger, the 140-character Tweetster, and especially those of us too stubborn to put the pen down—with a few of our favorite sources of information, inspiration and amusement.

Originally published September 23, 2011
Last updated May 12, 2020
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