Page numbering in Microsoft Word can bring even the most stoic attorney to tears, but with these easy to follow steps, you'll master it in no time.
Originally published February 20, 2023Trust account problems are one of the top reasons lawyers are disciplined in the U.S. Certainly there are attorneys whose trust accounting activities are egregious—even criminal. But this doesn't account for all of the problems. Far too often, an attorney was less than diligent about maintaining proper and appropriate financial practices and things simply got out of hand. With this in mind, here are tips that can help you keep on top of trust accounts and out of trouble.
Originally published February 20, 2023Lawyers often resist the idea of conducting client satisfaction surveys: They don't believe people will be honest unless they have complete anonymity, and they don't believe clients will take the time to complete the survey. It's true, many will not complete the survey, but some will. And right now, you probably aren't collecting any valuable information from your clients. Even worse, the feedback you’re getting is probably in the form of a negative online review. Here's what client satisfaction surveys can do.
Originally published February 20, 2023Our legal writing skills series continues with a couple of punctuation marks that often trip up lawyers.
Originally published February 20, 2023Sally Schmidt | Every lawyer should be prepared to introduce themselves with a solid elevator speech.
Originally published February 20, 2023Sally Schmidt | Right now the edge goes to the incumbent, but there are things you can do to put yourself in a position to generate new business. Here are six business development strategies for this challenging time.
Originally published February 20, 2023Annette Choti | Not only will a podcast increase your reach and build your brand, but the barriers to entry in the podcasting space are low.
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