A law firm managing partner has myriad responsibilities and competing pressures, from keeping business operations running smoothly to serving as a chief role model and motivator. If you have been asked to take up the mantle or aspire to lead ...
Wendy Merrill - September 11, 2024Gene Commander | Law firm leaders move from decision to decision at breakneck speed. Here's a counterintuitive recommendation: Adopt a mantra of “strategic slowness.”
Gene Commander - August 14, 2024Wendy Merrill | It’s lonely at the top — an inconvenient reality most managing partners feel but don’t want to admit.
Wendy Merrill - April 30, 2024Yuliya LaRoe | Practice group leaders fulfill four roles within a law firm. Here's an overview of the leadership and business skills needed to succeed.
Yuliya LaRoe - April 15, 2024Wendy Merrill | The sweep-it-under-the-rug attitude may seem to keep issues at bay, but avoidance creates fertile ground for festering feelings.
Wendy Merrill - March 19, 2024Wendy Merrill | To be an effective leader and astute business owner, you must reconcile fear with a willingness to take on risk.
Wendy Merrill - December 12, 2023Wendy Merrill | Curiosity is the secret sauce to effective law firm leadership and sound client advocacy.
Wendy Merrill - June 20, 2023Tea Hoffmann | Law firm leaders can learn valuable lessons from this very public trial of a once-prominent lawyer.
Tea Hoffmann - June 7, 2023Wendy Merrill | Does your law firm’s management style lean toward dictatorship or democracy?
Wendy Merrill - January 24, 2023Law firms, lawyers and other professionals can learn from past economic downturns. There are many useful and inspirational lessons to learn about how law firms and other organizations have successfully weathered prior economic storms, then ...
Julie Savarino - January 10, 2023Sign up for our free newsletter.