Jamie Spannhake | These stress-busting apps make it easy to add meditation and mindfulness practice to your busy day.
Jamie Spannhake - September 20, 2024Lawyers on LinkedIn don’t have to be influencers or frequent posters for the platform to be a potent a business development tool for a law firm. In kickoff meetings with new clients, most of them make a similar confession: “Just so you know,” ...
Amy Hunt - September 14, 2024Jamie Spannhake | Establishing clear boundaries is essential not only for your well-being but to sustain a successful legal career.
Jamie Spannhake - August 23, 2024Sally Schmidt | Asking good follow-up questions and prompting a conversation is the path to new business.
Sally J. Schmidt - August 22, 2024Attorney burnout happens when you have no breaks, no delegation, no balance and no support. Learn to mitigate burnout with Jamie Spannakhe.
Jamie Spannhake - August 18, 2024I have spent a good deal of my career trying to get lawyers to spend less time with other lawyers and more time with clients and prospects.
Sally J. Schmidt - August 2, 2024Jamie Spannhake | Integrate Zen into your daily routine to enhance your sense of calm and contentedness.
Jamie Spannhake - July 27, 2024Jamie Spannhake | Overworked lawyers know how it goes: Overwhelmed working on numerous matters, we feel we can never catch up. It is time to explore changes.
Jamie Spannhake - June 30, 2024Jamie Spannhake | Transform your workspaces — in the office and at home — into hubs of productivity and comfort.
Jamie Spannhake - June 21, 2024Words that may seem harmless can sow dissonance and create tension. Here are some alternatives.
Joan Feldman - June 14, 2024Sign up for our free newsletter.