Get to the Point

You Wouldn’t Put up With “Yeah, No” From a Witness — Why Do You Say It?

Yeah, no, I get it. These speech mannerisms have a way of creeping into our vernacular, but, for lawyers, this one may be the worst.

Theda C. Snyder - August 7, 2019
Case Resolution Vocabulary

Be sure you use the correct ADR terms with clients, judges and opponents to avoid misunderstandings.

Theda C. Snyder - July 10, 2019
You Say You Speak English? Are You Sure?

Sometimes you need to translate English to American. Expressions lawyers may encounter.

Theda C. Snyder - June 5, 2019
Don’t Say This! You Follow?

You are communicating because you want your message to be effective. Condescending phrases like "You follow?" undermine that aim.

Theda C. Snyder - May 7, 2019
Use Find and Replace to Improve Your Writing

Take advantage of Find and Replace as part of the last once-over for that important letter, contract or brief.

Theda C. Snyder - April 16, 2019
To Jargon or Not to Jargon

Using jargon can alienate outsiders, including judges. But is there ever a good reason to use it?

Theda C. Snyder - April 3, 2019
Litigation Terms Parties Get Wrong: ‘We’ll Go to Court to Settle This!’

Parties frequently use terms incorrectly, and that leads to miscommunication.

Theda C. Snyder - March 4, 2019
‘Coequal’: Is That a Word?

The bottom line is that “coequal” means “equal.”

Theda C. Snyder - February 12, 2019
Explicit in This Post: How to Deal With Implicit Terms

Advocates frequently confuse “implicit” and “explicit” in writing and particularly in oral argument.

Theda C. Snyder - January 16, 2019
how to write an obituary
How to Write an Obituary — Yes, You Should Know This

You may be called on to write an obituary on behalf of your firm. Consider what the decedent would want people to know.

Theda C. Snyder - November 6, 2018

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