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Lawyer Time Management

Three Steps to Increasing Law Practice Productivity

I bet this has happened to you. You show up at the office with the best intentions. You’re finally going to get that marketing project — or some other large project — done so you can reap the rewards. You sit down at your desk. Your voicemail ...

Raj Jha - March 31, 2016
15 Minutes of Silence: Bet You Can’t!

A while back, the Wall Street Journal ran an article that posed a critical question worth considering. A CEO of a highly successful company was challenged by a friend to sit still for 15 minutes in complete silence. And he bet him $15,000 that ...

Dustin Cole - March 29, 2016
LinkedIn Profile
Will Your Client Show Up?

Upon factoring together the number of appointment-based businesses and the average no-show rate across all industries, I estimate the American economy loses at least $66 billion each year due to missed appointments. You’ve likely seen how ...

Frank Cort - February 29, 2016
Lawyer on keyboard watching clock manage time
Time Is Your Most Precious Resource

How best to manage time? Making the most of your time — your most precious resource — results in a truly balanced life: You enjoy your work life and you enjoy your personal life. What lawyers do is hard. No matter what the clock says, the legal ...

Paul H. Burton - February 15, 2016
Nothing But the Ruth
A More Purposeful Life: Rethinking Time

How did we decide our days would be broken up into “weekdays” and “weekends” and “business hours” and “personal time?” If you are someone’s employee, these concepts make sense. But not necessarily if you’re an entrepreneur or in an ...

Ruth Carter - October 8, 2015
Money and Time
Distraction Junkie? Managing Your Worst Time Bandit

In his recent book “The Time Bandit Solution: Recovering Stolen Time You Never Knew You Had,” Edward G. Brown presents a step-by-step lesson in recovering lost time — including how to prevent interruptions from sapping your productivity and ...

Edward G. Brown - August 25, 2015
Nothing But the Ruth
Disregarding the Traditional Workweek

When did we decide that the "workweek" should be defined as Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.? (Okay, I know a good many lawyers work a lot more than that, but you know what I’m saying.) Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the ...

Ruth Carter - August 18, 2015
Tech Tips Friday Five
Overwhelmed? Time Management Tips

What steps can you take to better manage your time so you're truly more productive and less overwhelmed? For this month's Friday 5+ Tech Tips, we asked the practice management experts for their best time management tip: a teensy tweak or trick ...

The Editors - July 31, 2015
Brain Power
Be Smart, Take Breaks for Peak Performance

The mind is not a marathon runner. It's a sprinter. When you push it too long, decision fatigue sets in and performance suffers. Filling the mental energy tank back up is easy. Just take a break. Think of it this way: The mind is a product of ...

Paul H. Burton - May 4, 2015
Essential Financial Management
Essential Financial Management for Lawyer Entrepreneurs

If you are an attorney in your own firm, you have made the leap — you are an entrepreneur. You probably started your firm because you wanted that feeling of autonomy and control — you wanted to call the shots. But how much control do you really ...

Micky Deming - February 18, 2015

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