Sponsoring Women Resources

Free Guide: How to Find a Sponsor

How to Find a Sponsor Cover Badge

An ambitious woman needs a special kind of mentor who serves as a champion or sponsor. A sponsor is a strong advocate who has power and influence to make that advocacy produce positive career results for you. A sponsor endorses your qualifications and takes risks on your behalf, arguing that you should move up to a higher compensation tier or urging that you are ready for equity partnership or a significant leadership position. If you’ve read Ida Abbott’s great book — or even if you haven’t — this downloadable guide will help you find the sponsor that will make a difference in your life. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE

Free Guide: What Women Need to Know

What Women Need to Know - Cover Badge

Clearly, it is desirable to gain the support of a sponsor for your career to move ahead, but if you are seeking a sponsor in your firm, it’s important to understand a few things about what a sponsor does, what you can expect of him and what he will expect of you. Ida Abbott lays out five considerations for building a successful sponsor-protégée relationship. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE

Note: Free registration to the site may be required for some downloads. (If you’re already a subscriber, you may be asked to enter your email address.)


Buy the Book!

Sponsoring Women What Men Need to KNowSponsoring Women: What Men Need to Know
By Ida O. Abbott, JD.
“Sponsoring Women” answers all the really tough questions about playing the role of sponsor. Buy the book for yourself or as a gift for someone you think could really use it.

Available in print and digital editions. Many law firms are buying “Sponsoring Women” in bulk for their lawyers, or in conjunction with professional education and coaching events. When ordering 10 or more copies at a time, contact us directly at mark@attorneyatwork.com for the bulk ordering discount.

“While Ida Abbott’s thoughtful book provides a framework to understand the complexities, it is above all a practical book, providing tools that will be useful to managers — men and women — who recognize that advancement and retention of women will benefit their organizations. Helpful to anyone who cares about the issue and is in a position to do something about it.” — Jorge A. del Calvo, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman



Host a “Breakfast for Champions”

Breakfast for Champions events are a fun and positive way to recognize sponsors and en­courage men in your firm or organization to step up for women. Contact Ida Abbott for full details on the program, including discounts on bulk purchases of “Sponsoring Women: What Men Need to Know.”



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