Writing Guidelines for Attorney At Work

Attorney at Work promises readers one really good idea every day to help them create more fulfilling and successful law practices and profitable law firms. Our goal is to publish a single new post containing useful, enlightening information and resources every morning, written by industry experts, lawyers and business professionals who are passionate about sharing their ideas and experience.

Please send article submissions to joan@attorneyatwork.com

Word count? Word count depends on the topic, and we are flexible. That said, the sweet spot is 800 to 1,200 words, not including your bio. Your bio should be two to three sentences with links to your company and social media accounts.

Writing Tips and Guidelines:

  • Speak to the individual lawyer. You’re talking to a person — not an entity. Whether they practice in a big firm, small firm, law department, or freelance, our readers are looking for advice and actionable tips on:
    • how to build and run their personal practices
    • new developments and innovations that keep them ahead of competitors
    • practice and case management strategies (including technology)
    • reaching the next plateau of their career
    • personal productivity and time management
    • improving lawyering skills and business skills
    • leading their team, practice group, office or firm
    • getting and keeping new clients
    • recruiting, hiring and retaining lawyers and staff
    • optimizing health and wellness
  • Make it fun, and make it easy. This isn’t the law review. Get to the point quickly and make the ride getting there somewhat entertaining. Insert your personality and point of view. If you are telling “how to” do something, break it down in steps, bullets or a numbered list. Provide a short, snappy title that will immediately give readers the gist of your article.
  • Make it NEW. The first question we will ask if we like your article is, “Has it already been published?” We prioritize never-before-published articles. (If you’ve published similar words elsewhere online or in another medium (video or book), consider updating it with fresh information for our readers — or wait until you have another topic to send.
  • Excerpt it. If you’ve written a new book, a white paper or a survey report — send us an excerpt with highlights or consider repurposing it into a shorter piece for our audience.
  • Write a review. We’re always looking for lawyers and business professionals to write book reviews and technology reviews. If you have a favorite business book or tech to recommend, consider sharing that information with your peers.
  • Add Links. If you discuss different products, include their links so readers can check them out. If you reference an expert, report, or another person’s work, link to them or a relevant article.
  • But don’t over-link. Please do not include more than two links to your own website in the text of your article. We gladly add your personal and business links to your bio, which lives forever on your author page. We will remove gratuitous links. (We do not sell backlinks in our articles.)
  • Please do not “sell from the podium.*” If you are worried that your article (especially that last paragraph or two that reminds readers that the answer to their problem is to hire you) smells like selling, it probably does. Focus on providing good ideas and information and the rest will follow.

What to Write About?

  • Anything that might immediately improve a practicing lawyer’s work or life, including something you know really, really well.
  • Something you feel passionate about.
  • Something that has helped you.
  • Checklists, how-to’s, and top x lists and x ways articles are helpful.
  • But NOT articles that are intended for the general public (legal consumers). We will not respond to pitches about divorce, DUI, truck accidents and so on.

Paid Content for Products and Services

If you have a great article about your product or service, you might prefer a Product Spotlight. In Product Spotlights, you control the message, the graphics and the editing and can link directly to your sales funnel. To learn more about paid placement options, contact Mark Feldman at mark@attorneyatwork.com.

The Fine Print

  • When you send us an article, you are promising it is your original work.
  • If you quote someone, refer to, comment on, or endorse another’s ideas or work, credit it and give full attribution to sources.
  • When you send an article, you agree to be edited by professional editors to conform to our style.
  • Please give us credit when reposting — see our ownership and reprint permission information below.

Attorney at Work is not responsible for unsolicited emails, articles, artwork, graphics, infographics or manuscripts. 

Ownership and Reprint Permission

Attorney at Work® is a registered trademark owned by Feldcomm, Inc.

We ask to be the first to publish your article, but authors keep the original copyright and may republish or reprint their content. Reprints, including those on the author’s website, social media pages or blog pages must include the language “Previously published in Attorney at Work, reprinted with permission,or “Reprinted with permission from Attorney at Work,” along with a live link to www.attorneyatwork.com. Content may not be reproduced, in any form, without permission from Attorney at Work.*

We keep the right to reuse and update the work, for example, in compilations or guides.

*The Attorney at Work website and Daily Dispatches are the property of Attorney at Work. Dispatches, articles, and other content on the Attorney at Work website may not be reproduced, in any form, without permission from the publisher.



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