It may seem easier to just let things slide … but ask yourself: Would you work for free?
David Skinner and Karen Skinner - December 3, 2024As the ground shakes beneath their feet, law firm leaders must be prepared to jettison bankrupt business practices in favor of smart growth strategies.
Gene Commander - November 20, 2024Setting annual goals can feel a little overwhelming. But like everything in your law firm, it’s easier if you have a process.
David Skinner and Karen Skinner - November 7, 2024Wendy Merrill | For firms committed to securing a sustainable future, it falls to their managing partners to set a tone of transparency.
Wendy Merrill - October 10, 2024In law school, you were trained to win. You started your career to win. And you started your own firm to prove you could win as a business owner — not just as a lawyer. Yet, years into practicing law, many firm owners do not feel like winners. ...
Sasha Berson - October 8, 2024Karen Dunn Skinner and David Skinner | Here are five process improvement tips to help you handle conflict checks efficiently and ethically.
David Skinner and Karen Skinner - October 8, 2024Jay Harrington | You need a simple strategy — a one-page marketing plan — that prioritizes rapid action you can build on.
Jay Harrington - September 26, 2024Bull Garlington | The most important soft skill of them all.
Bull Garlington - September 13, 2024Without written processes, even a routine task can take longer than it should. But the biggest downside? You won’t be able to delegate work quickly and effectively.
David Skinner and Karen Skinner - September 10, 2024Molly McGrath | Control your thoughts and you control your destiny. A law firm leader’s role is to find and develop top talent. This mindset shift helps you see people more clearly and make better decisions.
Molly McGrath - September 5, 2024Sign up for our free newsletter.