Analog Attorney | Some people organize better without dated pages. All we need is blank paper, a ruler and a vague idea.
Bull Garlington - February 5, 2025Many lawyers fail to structure their days in a manner that allows them to manage the day’s distractions and get important work done early, rather than late at night. And it’s a big problem: There’s probably no bigger contributor to your ...
Jay Harrington - December 18, 2024How can a legal assistant prevent backlogs and priority conflicts in you law firm? Find out how they keep your law office running smoothly so attorneys can focus on practicing law. If you share a legal administrative assistant with two or more ...
Deborah Savadra - November 28, 2024One way to increasing your efficiency is to learn a few handy Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts. So you can format as your fingers fly. One sure way to save time in Microsoft Word (in addition to letting Word fix your typos) is to keep your ...
Deborah Savadra - October 14, 2024You can’t burn the candle at both ends. It’s unsustainable. To be a better lawyer — and prevent lawyer burnout — start your day with a sprint. The early days of my legal career at a big firm involved lots of late nights at the ...
Jay Harrington - October 10, 2024Ivy Grey | It may surprise you to learn that one minute can mean the difference between successfully completing two tasks or fumbling them both.
Ivy Grey - October 3, 2024Ninety-five percent of us procrastinate. That's what professor Piers Steel reported in his book "The Procrastination Equation: How to Stop Putting Things Off and Start Getting Stuff Done." So, the question isn't whether we procrastinate. The ...
Paul H. Burton - September 29, 2024Lisa Solomon outlines five useful things to know about hiring freelance lawyers for legal research and brief writing.
Lisa Solomon - September 24, 2024Jay Harrington | I experimented with all kinds of productivity “hacks” and most were more trouble than they were worth.
Jay Harrington - September 20, 2024A legal pad makes an excellent coaster — and, yes, you’re using one to level your desk right now. Can it help run your firm? Sam Walton turned a five-and-dime into the Walmart empire using little more than business savvy and a legal pad. His ...
Bull Garlington - September 12, 2024