
One Really Good Idea Every Day 

“The bloggers of Attorney at Work truly fulfill the promise of their slogan: ‘One really good idea every day for enterprising lawyers.’ Law practice management may not be for the faint of heart, but the tips and tricks offered by this blog can make it easier.” — ABA Journal Blawg 100 Hall of Fame

At Attorney at Work, our goal is to give you the information and inspiration you need to create a law practice and a life you love. Since 2011, our contributors — hundreds of industry experts, thought leaders and award-winning writers — have been delivering useful tips and new ideas to help you turn obstacles into opportunities and keep your practice humming. Check our Experts page for author bios.

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Behind Attorney at Work

Columnists and Contributors. Please visit our Experts page.

Joan Feldman is Editor-in-Chief of Attorney at Work. A writer and editor, she has created, steered and contributed to myriad leading practice management publications over more than 30 years. She is a Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management and former Trustee. Contact her at joan@attorneyatwork.com and follow her at @joanHfeldman.

Mark Feldman is Publisher of Attorney at Work. An award-winning art director, he is president of Feldcomm, a Chicago-based design communications and custom publishing firm, and a founder of Trade Show Executive Media. His work has been recognized by the American Center for Design 100 Show, Print Magazine Regional Design Annual, New York Art Directors Club Annual, Corporate Identity, AIGA Annual, the Boston Art Directors Club Annual, APEX, TABBIE and Folio: Magazine Ozzie Award. Contact him at mark@attorneyatwork.com.

Joy M. White is Senior Editor at Attorney at Work and a contributing author. As principal of JMW Editorial Services, Joy is an editor and writer who has been crafting publications, features and marketing materials for more than two decades. She was previously editor of the ABA’s Law Practice magazine, as well as managing editor of research publications for The Appraisal Institute.

Founding Partner

Merrilyn Astin Tarlton was a founding partner of Attorney at Work and is the author of the book “Getting Clients: For Lawyers Starting Out or Starting Over.” She has been helping lawyers think differently about the business of practicing law since 1984. She consults with legal organizations, lawyers and law firm management groups on their various roles as lawyers, leaders and businesspeople. Contact her at mat@astintarlton.com.

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Burkey Belser

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Vedia Jones-Richardson

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*Attorney at Work, 425 Greenwood St., Evanston, IL 60201.


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