Ivy Grey | Check yourself for rude, aggressive language before you wreck your case.
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Theda C. Snyder - August 27, 2024Yuliya LaRoe | Client credit allocation conversations don’t have to be contentious. Here's how to keep calm and ensure your contributions are rewarded.
Yuliya LaRoe - August 26, 2024There's a misplaced belief among lawyers, that rehearsing and practicing is for lily-livered, milksop fraidy-cats. Says who?
Marsha Hunter - August 20, 2024Book Review | "How to Hug a Porcupine" is full of practical tips for dealing with prickly people.
Susan Cohodes - August 13, 2024Sharpening your social awareness skills will better equip you to forge meaningful connections, inspire trust and achieve favorable outcomes.
Paul Bramson - August 12, 2024Teddy Snyder | Listicles’ unique format conveys a message more effectively than clutter on the page. Even for legal arguments.
Theda C. Snyder - August 1, 2024By clearly communicating expectations, you reduce ambiguity, enhance accountability, promote engagement and improve collaboration
Deana Kardel and Traci Stuart - July 24, 2024Fear of Zoom can leave you frozen like your Wi-Fi dropped out. But you can conquer Zoom anxiety with these five tips.
Bull Garlington - July 23, 2024Sign up for our free newsletter.