How do you say “we’re different” to potential hires? Here's how a few savvy firms use content that tells a story.
Susan Kostal - May 6, 2019Try these tips on how to use content to recruit associates. Plus, some examples from firms that are knocking it out of the park.
Susan Kostal - April 1, 2019Staring at a blank page? Tips from Susan Kostal to get your creative juices flowing.
Susan Kostal - March 11, 2019I’m all over this latest trend in law firm bios.
Susan Kostal - February 6, 2019Firms that choose to be mute stand out as the outliers. But not in a good way.
Susan Kostal - January 14, 2019These four questions will help your happy clients get to the essence of their "client experience" story.
Susan Kostal - December 5, 2018Here’s how a conference can be a source of new topic ideas and a way to maximize your investment in speaking or attending.
Susan Kostal - October 1, 2018Your LinkedIn profile should tell the best story of who you are as a professional, not simply list your job history. Here's where to focus your efforts.
Susan Kostal - September 4, 2018It might seem that sunk costs should not influence whether we continue investing in a project. And yet they do. Which brings me to content.
Susan Kostal - August 2, 2018In deference to the time-honored struggle of what to write about, I herewith present how to get great content from the much-trodden trope of “What I Did on My Summer Vacation.” Write yours now, so that when school starts in late August or early ...
Susan Kostal - July 2, 2018