Managing Up

tech tools law firm growth
Choosing the Right Tech Tools for Law Firm Growth

Staying profitable as your practice expands isn’t a given. It requires investing in systems and technology that will scale to support your growth, such as case management software, which is essential for improving operational efficiency, ...

Erik Mazzone - September 4, 2024
hiring a new person
Hiring a New Person for Your Law Firm (Probably) Won’t Increase Your Revenues

Erik Mazzone | It's not that hiring a new person is a bad thing, just that it isn't the path to growth and greatness you imagine.

Erik Mazzone - May 28, 2024
email should have been a meeting
That Email Should Have Been a Meeting

Erik Mazzone | Next time you are paging through the 17th message in a thread, consider that sometimes, meetings are the right tool for the job.

Erik Mazzone - March 12, 2024
increasing your legal fees
Increasing Your Legal Fees: A Four-Step Approach

Erik Mazzone | Here's a four-step process for increasing your legal fees, from when and how much, to how to tell your clients.

Erik Mazzone - January 11, 2024
recruiting associate lawyers
The Law Firm Ecosystem: Recruiting Your Team

Erik Mazzone | A well-managed, focused team is your law firm's greatest competitive advantage. Advice on recruiting associate lawyers.

Erik Mazzone - November 15, 2023
variable compensation plans
The Law Firm Ecosystem: Attorney Compensation

Erik Mazzone | Nothing breaks up law firms more frequently, quickly, or completely than disputes over compensation.

Erik Mazzone - November 9, 2023
law firm ecosystem
The Law Firm Ecosystem: Location Neutrality

Erik Mazzone | An experiment. How does your firm's ecosystem affect your ability to attract and keep top talent?

Erik Mazzone - July 26, 2023

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