Personal Growth

full-time lawyer mom
The Key to Having It All as a Full-Time Lawyer Mom

Susan Cohodes | As a member of the generation of female attorneys who wrestled with whether we could “have it all,” I now wonder if anyone paid the price for my trying.

Susan Cohodes - January 30, 2024
farewell to full time law practice
The Countdown Begins: Farewell to Full-Time Law Practice

Susan Cohodes | Who am I if not a lawyer? The question has followed me throughout my career.

Susan Cohodes - November 14, 2023
what to wear
What to Wear? Pantless in Seattle

Susan Cohodes | It's a question that has followed me throughout my career.

Susan Cohodes - October 5, 2023
client prep
Client Prep Sure Seems Trickier With Online Appearances

Susan Cohodes | To retire, or not? My vigorous debate with myself about leaving law practice.

Susan Cohodes - September 7, 2023
retiring from law practice
Retiring from Law Practice: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Susan Cohodes | To retire, or not? My vigorous debate with myself about leaving law practice.

Susan Cohodes - August 10, 2023
ho'oponopono conflict resolution
Ho’oponopono: An Ancient Alternative for Personal and Legal Conflict Resolution

Gray Robinson | This ancient Hawaiian practice helps manage stress — and is a legitimate alternative form of conflict resolution.

Gray Robinson - April 6, 2023

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