Alternative Legal Service Providers

contract staffing
Contract Staffing: 3 Ways ALSPs Can Support Your Law Firm in Uncertain Times

Tower Legal CEO Leslie Firtell says contract staffing will grow in importance this year.

Leslie Firtell - January 25, 2023
contract attorneys
Legal Staffing Lessons for Today’s Marketplace

You don’t have to increase headcount to level up the expertise of your team. Think of staffing strategies using contract attorneys.

Leslie Firtell - August 26, 2021
Legal Services
Empathy and Innovation: Highlights from ‘Future of Legal Services’ Panel

Susan Kostal | The pandemic has demanded empathy, flexibility, innovation and, in some cases, increased transparency. The future of legal services delivery demands the same.

Susan Kostal - January 4, 2021
Rockets flying managing remote teams
Remote Legal Teams: Best Practices for the Long Haul

Remote work and remote staffing are here to stay. Tower Legal CEO Leslie Firtell says consider these things when choosing an ALSP to help staff and manage remote legal teams.

Leslie Firtell - September 3, 2020

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