Managing Your Legal Practice

2019 Clio Legal Trends Report, Pt. 3: Lawyers Are Still Failing to Communicate Value

In Part 3 of his analysis of the 2019 Legal Trends Report, Jared Correia asks, "Why won’t lawyers talk to consumers about what they most want to know: case process and total price?"

Jared Correia - December 10, 2019
2019 Clio Legal Trends Report, Pt. 2: Is Referral-Based Marketing Dying a Slow, Painful Death?

Part 2 of Jared Correia's analysis of the 4th annual Clio Legal Trends Report focuses on how consumers buy legal services — and what that means for your marketing.

Jared Correia - December 2, 2019
2019 Clio Legal Trends Report, Pt. 1: Firm Revenue Growth Is Driven by Efficiency

Jared Correia analyzes the fourth annual Clio Legal Trends Report, focusing on the question of why some firms grow (and grow) while others stagnate. Buckle up. This is Part 1 of 1-2-3.

Jared Correia - November 26, 2019
Capital Idea: Clio Raises $250 Million, But What Does It Mean?

Clio’s Series D is the biggest round in the biggest year for legal technology investment on record. And we still have a couple of months to go. Here's Jared Correia's take.

Jared Correia - October 17, 2019
Capsized: The Next Law Firms Will Dominate by Selling Subscription Services and Products

Jared Correia predicts that modern law firms will eventually tailor their pricing plans to consumer expectations — it’s merely a question of when.

Jared Correia - September 24, 2019
Groupthink: Lawyers Are Leaving Bar Associations for Their Own Devices

Why do lawyers choose alternative communities?

Jared Correia - March 5, 2019
Beyond Net Promoter Score: The Third Clio Legal Trends Report in Context

Part study, part aspirational call to action, this edition of the report revealed novel practice management information for solos and small firms.

Jared Correia - January 24, 2019
The Ditching Hour: Why Consumer-Centric Pricing Will Take Over Legal Billing

Consider all the alternative fee structures you may deliver through your law practice.

Jared Correia - November 7, 2018
Merging Traffic: Why Clio Acquired Lexicata

You may be asking yourself, why did Clio acquire Lexicata? Well, I’m here to answer that question.

Jared Correia - October 18, 2018
Get Ready: EmpowerLegal Offers Lawyers a New Way to Prep Clients

Review | Clients feel a lot of stress when prepping for testimony. EmpowerLegal's proprietary video content helps you train them to perform better under pressure.

Jared Correia - August 22, 2018

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