Virtual Assistants

rural lawyer
Equipping the Rural Lawyer for Success

Maddie Martin | Compared with their counterparts in urban regions, rural attorneys often have less access to skill sets and tools to support their practice.

Maddy Martin - January 18, 2022
remote-work tech tools
Lawyer Tech Tips: Things That Go Bump in Legal Tech!

Scary things WFH has revealed about lawyers’ tech habits? Trick-or-treat tips from Jim Calloway, Anne Haag, Tom Lambotte, Catherine Sanders Reach, Sharon Nelson and John Simek, and Ben Schorr.

Joan Feldman and Joy White - October 29, 2021
digital assistants cybersecurity
Digital Assistants Are Listening: Is Your Law Firm at Risk?

Sam Bocetta | Digital assistants are always on, always listening, and may offer hackers an easy path into your law firm data.

Sam Bocetta - June 11, 2020

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