Do you have $500? Good. You’re the proud owner of a new law firm! (Seriously, congratulations.) Thanks mostly to the spate of technology advances made possible by cloud services, it is cheaper to practice law than ever before, because lawyers ...
Jared Correia - June 2, 2022Be sure to run a proper trademark search and file for federal registration before you fall in love with the name for your new law firm.
Josh Gerben - May 28, 2022Joshua Baron | Building a sustainable law practice that depends solely on referrals requires providing outstanding client service and showing your appreciation for every referral that comes your way.
Joshua Baron - May 5, 2021Book Preview | Attorney Ali Katz explains the three things you need to use free marketing, so you can build your practice without spending too much money.
Ali Katz - October 5, 2020Dan Christensen | When starting your own law firm, you must think beyond what it means to be a successful lawyer and consider what it takes to be a successful business owner.
Dan Christensen - September 17, 2020Family law attorney Russell Knight shares a time-tested solution that allows a solo practitioner to bring on additional staff with little to no risk.
Russell Knight - February 11, 2020Which topics captured readers' attention in 2019? To kick off the new year, a look back at the most popular practice tips.
Joan Feldman - January 2, 2020The best way to generate interest in your business is by putting together a credible web presence and posting interesting and valuable content.
Andrea Cannavina - December 13, 2019In Part 2 of Andrea Cannavina's no-nonsense guide to starting your dream business, it's all about controlling how the information and work will flow.
Andrea Cannavina - October 4, 2019Here's the first installment in Andrea Cannavina's no-nonsense guide to starting your dream business.
Andrea Cannavina - August 2, 2019Sign up for our free newsletter.