How to Start a Law Firm

Is Solo Practice a Good Fit for You?

In previous posts we asked the question, "How Much Does It Cost to Start a New Solo Firm?" And we received some great advice from practice management experts and a few newly minted solos on how much seed money it takes to start up a solo ...

Ellyn Caruso - August 14, 2012
Social Media and Marketing Advice for New Law Practices

Like most attorneys starting a new firm, I want to know the best way to build my reputation—and my client base—so I asked for some advice from Erika Napoletano and Ari Kaplan. Napoletano is Redhead Writing and author of the book, "The Power of ...

Ruth Carter - March 27, 2012
How Do You Set Your Hourly Rates?

You're a new lawyer, launching a new law firm. How do you decide what your hourly rate will be? The ethics rules say that your rate must be "reasonable." That doesn’t give you much to go on. You know your rate should be a fair price for the ...

Ruth Carter - February 15, 2012
Risky Business- Startup Advice from Women Lawyers
Risky Business: Startup Advice from Women Lawyers

“The best thing about owning our own firm is to have the control and autonomy to decide how you want to do it and when you want to do it,” says Roberta D. Liebenberg, a senior partner at Fine Kaplan in Philadelphia. Whether you prefer ...

Joan Feldman - November 3, 2011

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