Law Office Design

office temperature
Are You Making Your Employees Sick?

Ensuring a more comfortable workplace is good for employees, and that’s good for the employer, too.

Theda C. Snyder - January 9, 2023
workplace trends
Five Freaky Friday Workplace Trends

From ghost jobs to ghost towns, a few spooky tips to keep you on your toes.

Joan Feldman - October 28, 2022
virtual law firm
5 Tips for Making the Transition to Virtual Law Firm Status

Matthew Weiss | Five things to consider if you're going fully virtual instead of heading back to the office.

Matthew Weiss - April 30, 2022
returning to the office
The Workplace Riddle: 5 Questions About Returning to Your Law Office

Amy Collins | Your workplace should be an active participant in reinforcing the new ways of working that will define your firm’s future.

Amy Collins - May 12, 2021
analog desktop clocks
5 Beautiful Analog Desktop Clocks

Analog Attorney | Analog timepieces can bring a visual accent and joy to your workspace — especially the ones that don't tick off the seconds like they're counting down the day.

Bull Garlington - March 30, 2021
office design office health
Think Holistically About Your Workspace for Better Office Health

Law firms are scrambling to reconfigure workspaces for the new reality. Approaching renovations holistically allows opportunities for positive changes.

Amy Bradac - November 12, 2020

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