Coffee Talk

essential office setup
Essential Office Setup: 11 Things Every Lawyer Needs to Get the Work Done

Andrea Cannavina shares some favorite tools that will have a serious impact on your home office happiness.

Andrea Cannavina - December 26, 2024
lawyers time
5 Intentional Organization Tips to Save Lawyers Time

Andrea Cannavina | Good organization habits can make you more efficient and productive, but it doesn't happen by accident. You need to get intentional to stop wasting time.

Andrea Cannavina - May 29, 2022
desk gadgets
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Andrea Cannavina shares three favorite tools that will have a serious impact on your home office happiness.

Andrea Cannavina - May 8, 2022
admin assistants
Let Lawyers Lawyer: Tech Doesn’t Replace Your Admin Assistants

Andrea Cannavina | Lawyers, you make money for your firm when you draft but cost the firm when you do admin work.

Andrea Cannavina - November 5, 2021
daily productivity
Stuck? 3 Quick Tips to Get More Done in Less Time

Andrea Cannavina zeroes in on three things that will have a big impact on your daily productivity.

Andrea Cannavina - January 15, 2021
5 Hacks to Level Up Your Videoconferencing Game Without Spending a Dime

Andrea Cannavina | Videoconferencing success starts with you looking professional “on camera.” Try these no-cost tips for upgrading your appearances.

Andrea Cannavina - December 4, 2020
Coffee cup alarm clock Video Meetings
Video Meetings Are Killing Your Productivity

Andrea Cannavina | Zoom fatigue is real — and it is killing your productivity. To be more efficient and less stressed, use video meetings less and your voice more.

Andrea Cannavina - October 2, 2020
law office organization
Spring Clean Your Gadgets, Gizmos and Website

Andrea Cannavina's digital decluttering tips will make a difference in how effectively and efficiently you are able to process work.

Andrea Cannavina - May 24, 2019

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