Teddy Snyder | Make sure every pronoun or pro-form reference is clear.
Theda C. Snyder - February 15, 2022Teddy Snyder | You want to frame your opening in a way that supports your position.
Theda C. Snyder - February 2, 2022Teddy Snyder | Funneling information to your clients from the books you read marks you as an expert who stays on top of the news in your field
Theda C. Snyder - November 22, 2021Teddy Snyder | There is nothing lucky about needing surgery. The business chief who uncovers IP theft is not lucky. Yet we misuse this phrase regularly.
Theda C. Snyder - October 7, 2021Teddy Snyder | You regularly create quality content in your briefs and memoranda. Here are ways to recycle that document you’ve already created into marketing content.
Theda C. Snyder - September 20, 2021Teddy Snyder | Perhaps the newest words in general use will become generally accepted. Wouldn’t that be groovy?
Theda C. Snyder - August 4, 2021Teddy Snyder | I am finally fed up with spell-check's inability to recognize an indirect object.
Theda C. Snyder - May 6, 2021Get to the Point! People who really should know better just love to insert apostrophes where they don’t belong.
Theda C. Snyder - February 1, 2021Get to the Point! | A forest drive can be a quarantine-approved way to enjoy the reds, golds and oranges of autumn. It could also get you thinking about making your communications more colorful.
Theda C. Snyder - November 10, 2020Get to the Point! The rate of words taking on entirely different meanings is accelerating. Recently, we have seen one word in particular roar into misuse.
Theda C. Snyder - August 11, 2020