Get to the Point! The rate of words taking on entirely different meanings is accelerating. Recently, we have seen one word in particular roar into misuse.
Theda C. Snyder - August 11, 2020Do your clients and colleagues a favor and check out these five things to stop doing with emails.
Laura Ernde - March 13, 2020The general grammar rule is to use “who” to refer to people and “which” to refer back to inanimate objects. The possessive form of “who” is “whose” but there is no possessive form for “which.” The result is that writers must choose between a ...
Theda C. Snyder - February 12, 2020Be sure you use the correct ADR terms with clients, judges and opponents to avoid misunderstandings.
Theda C. Snyder - July 10, 2019Parties frequently use terms incorrectly, and that leads to miscommunication.
Theda C. Snyder - March 4, 2019The bottom line is that “coequal” means “equal.”
Theda C. Snyder - February 12, 2019To avoid putting the proverbial keyboard in your mouth, do not use words or phrases until you are 100 percent certain of the meaning.
Theda C. Snyder - October 8, 2018No, we don't mean your words go into the garbage. A tipsy vocabulary may enrich your communications. In the right case, soused language can be spot-on.
Theda C. Snyder - September 10, 2018