Solo Law Firm

art of blogging
Mastering the Art of Blogging: Key Insights and Strategies for Lawyers from Orbit Media’s Annual Blogger Survey

Ruth Carter | The annual blogger survey results reveal what types of blog posts yield the best results.

Ruth Carter - January 3, 2024
fears of going solo
Your Reasons to Not Go Solo Are Wrong: The Top 10 Fears of Going Solo

Roy Ginsburg | Don't let your career rot at a dysfunctional firm.

Roy S. Ginsburg - December 6, 2023
google contacts
Changing My CRM Database: From $400 to Free

Ruth Carter | The CRM I bought when I started my practice had become a digital dust collector. Here's how I switched to Google Contacts.

Ruth Carter - October 18, 2023
rural lawyers
The Problem of Too Few Rural Lawyers

The problem of the shortage of rural lawyers now has a label. Areas with few or no lawyers are now called "legal deserts."

Roy S. Ginsburg - September 12, 2023
local networking
Local Networking at Every Stage of Your Legal Career

Shari Lee Sugarman | advice on how to network effectively regardless of where you’re at on your career path.

Shari Lee Sugarman - April 10, 2023
good phone call protocol
Five Ways to Dial Up Your Phone Game

Chris DeMatteo | Good phone call protocol keeps prospects from calling the next firm — especially if you stick to the script!

Chris DeMatteo - April 7, 2023
solo by choice
Book Review: Considering Hanging Out Your Shingle? A Road Map to Becoming ‘Solo by Choice’

Book Review | The third edition of “Solo by Choice," aka the solo practice bible, provides a no-nonsense road map guide to going solo or reinvigorating your post-pandemic solo practice.

Susan Cohodes - March 1, 2023
small law firm success
How Do Small and Midsize Law Firms Punch Above Their Weight?

Neville Pokroy | It’s quite simple to compete successfully with larger firms, as long as you keep these 10 factors in mind.

Neville Pokroy - January 4, 2023
how are law firm owners paid
How Are Law Firm Owners Paid? Total Compensation vs. Salary

During the year, most small firm owners can’t tell what they’ve been paid or how much it's really costing to run the firm. Here's a solution.

Brooke Lively - July 13, 2022
legal apps
Must-Have Apps for Running a Tech-Forward Law Firm

Catherine Tang is applying everything she learned about remote lawyering to her new solo practice, including these apps.

Catherine Tang - June 18, 2022

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