Get to the Point

grammar resources
The Heyday of Grammar: You’re Not Hardcore Unless You Live Hardcore

Get to the Point | Teddy Snyder points to entertaining and useful grammar resources. "Our fascination with grammar is not new."

Theda C. Snyder - October 6, 2022
word usage
Much Ado About Word Usage

Get to the Point | The error that seems increasingly common is “much adieu.” That should be “much ado.”

Theda C. Snyder - September 6, 2022
How Long Was That Quotation? Do’s and Don’ts of Using Quoted Material

Teddy Snyder | When making oral presentations, always tell listeners where quoted material ends.

Theda C. Snyder - July 14, 2022
Fulsome Word Choice Advice

Teddy Snyder | Don’t be tempted to use a fancy word when a plain one will do.

Theda C. Snyder - June 14, 2022
Accent on the Wrong Syll-ah-buhl?

Get to the Point! Don’t you hate it when something comes out of your mouth that makes your listener hesitate or give you a funny look?

Theda C. Snyder - June 14, 2022
How Euphemisms Improve Your Lawyering

Euphemisms are words or phrases used in place of other words that might offend the recipient of the message. The prefix eu- means “good.” Euphemisms substitute good language for what some might consider bad. Sometimes the communicator is ...

Theda C. Snyder - May 30, 2022
Solve This Emoji:

Are you a James Corden fan? One of the games he plays on "The Late Late Show" is Emoji Headlines.

Theda C. Snyder - May 28, 2022
Multiplicity: I Got It — There’s a Lot of Them

Teddy Snyder | So many syllables. So many other word choices.

Theda C. Snyder - May 10, 2022
Attorney at Work
Mediation Vocabulary

Mediation has its own vocabulary. Lawyers who know it can best manage the process to produce the optimum result. Tips from Teddy Snyder.

Theda C. Snyder - April 27, 2022
word most often used incorrectly
It’s the Word Most Often Used Incorrectly

Its or it’s? Its, it’s the word that trips up many writers, the word that doesn’t follow the rules. The problem is the apostrophe. Apostrophes are most often used two ways: in a contraction or to show possession. Some names have apostrophes, too.

Theda C. Snyder - April 25, 2022

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