If a reviewer is not a current or former client and has never consulted with me, may I respond to a bad review by stating that I have never represented the individual?
Mark C. Palmer - January 14, 2024Law firm client reviews — which go beyond simple endorsements — are important considerations for prospective clients. Use this tutorial.
Karin Conroy - November 8, 2023Trellis legal analytics | Keeping up on the litigation landscape with AI-powered legal analytics can help cultivate productive and meaningful client relationships.
Nicole Clark - May 23, 2022Lawmatics Client Intake Checklist | The client intake process is one of the most time-consuming parts of being a lawyer. Here's how to streamline the process.
Lawmatics - October 27, 2021Free Webinar | Learn the process for how to deal with negative online reviews — and how to get more five-star reviews.
The Editors - January 14, 2021Mark Homer | Online reviews are crucial to your referral business. Here's how to jumpstart asking for reviews and create a process that makes it simple for clients.
Mark Homer - November 16, 2020Free Webinar | Latest information on how you can better leverage digital communication tools to service your clients.
The Editors - November 15, 2020Tatia Gordon-Troy | For every bad or mediocre review your firm receives online, you need at least five or more good to excellent testimonials to turn down the din.
Tatia Gordon-Troy - August 6, 2020Use these local marketing tactics from our recent webinar to position your law firm for survival and success, now and after the crisis has passed.
Mike Ramsey - April 20, 2020It's not either-or. To grow, says Mark Homer, you need a digital marketing strategy that both protects your referrals and leverages search engine marketing.
Mark Homer - January 27, 2020