Lawyer Skills

Nine Questions to Ask About Your Firm’s Website

Law firms are investing more in the design and development of their Web sites than ever. But are your visitors any happier? No matter the size of your firm or budget, visitors expect the same intuitive experience they have with, ...

Deborah McMurray - February 2, 2011
The Art of “We”

Jordan Furlong | Make a habit each day of thinking in terms of “we,” “our” and “us,” rather than “I,” “mine” and “me.”

Jordan Furlong - January 27, 2011
Buff Up Your Bio

This time of year, many of us resolve to buff up our physical appearance—but what about our personal and professional appearance online? Outside of the home page, lawyer biographies are the most-frequently visited pages on law firm websites. ...

Janet Ellen Raasch - January 24, 2011
Five Tips for Getting Writing Right

Poor writing skills can turn off potential clients and others, whether it's in an e-mail message or a formal proposal. It doesn’t matter if you’re the best lawyer for the job because people do draw conclusions based on the quality of your ...

Steven Taylor - January 12, 2011
breaking the ice
Beyond Breaking the Ice

You already know how to break the ice. You want to surpass the small talk, to get to know the other person. And if that person is a potential client, you hope a genuine and compelling conversation will cultivate a relationship and perhaps lead ...

Steven Taylor - December 14, 2010

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