Legal Project Management

Hand holding clock
Project Management Apps: A Fresh Look

Last summer we began our journey toward an automated, money-printing practice when we discussed how to use project management apps to manage your practice and your people. Pardon me while I make the assumption that your firm has not quite yet ...

Brett Owens - May 28, 2013
boost your productivity
Boost Your Productivity: The Five Phases of GTD

Daniel Gold, our "Get It Done" columnist, writes about great ways to amp up your daily productivity—in a big way! Last time he overviewed a time management system that has taken on a bit of a cult-like following: Getting Things Done, or GTD. ...

Daniel Gold - November 5, 2012
Asana vs. Trello: Checklist Collaboration Tools Compared

In his book The Checklist Manifesto, surgeon Atul Gawande asserts that checklists are a “cognitive net,” a mechanism that can help prevent experienced people from making errors due to flawed memory and attention, and ensure that teams ...

Catherine Sanders Reach - October 8, 2012
Document De-Construction Magic

Creating legal documents can be something like playing with Legos. How so, you might ask? Well, typically lawyers assemble new and individualized documents—contracts, briefs, opinions—by plugging together existing sentences and paragraphs from a ...

Vivian Manning - July 26, 2012
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Project Management and Your Law Practice Management Software

In part one of this series on how to use project management software to manage people, Brett Owens started simple with some easy-to-use, off-the-shelf apps—Workflowy and Basecamp. In part two, Brett shows us how delegation and collaboration ...

Brett Owens - May 2, 2012
Hand holding clock
Use Project Management Apps to Manage People

Sure there are plenty of project management apps to keep us on task, personally. But can project management software be used for managing others, too? In "Project Management: Easy as 1-2-3," Brett Owens highlighted products to help you manage ...

Brett Owens - April 25, 2012
Hand holding clock
Project Management Software: Easy as 1-2-3

Legal project management has become a bit of a buzz term in recent years, but what exactly does "LPM" entail? Do you really need a stable of Gantt charts to run your law practice efficiently, or is there a simpler way? Sure there's a load of ...

Brett Owens - February 27, 2012

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