Social Media Marketing

Crushin’ It: 10 Social Media Misconceptions, Revised

Let’s run down some common misconceptions about social media, and rotate the conversation.

Misconception 1: “Oh No, My Privacy!” Revision: Connect Widely
Now, in case you hadn’t heard, this is social media. If you’re using it to market your business, you’ll want as many people to see what you’re doing as you can corral. I understand if you want to have private accounts, where you don’t post work-related items, or where you can finally say what you really mean. But, if your intention is to generate clients and referrals of clients, and you want to leverage private accounts, you’re better off not having any social media profile at all, since you’d then be unwilling to publicize it. I mean, what do you have to hide? Posts about a recent Supreme Court decision, and its impact on your clients and potential clients? Dear me! If you’re worried about personal or limited-release messages, avoid the included inbox and use email instead, like any normal person would. Connections have intrinsic value. Connections expand your reach. Acquire as many of them as you can, by going public. ... READ THE REST

Originally published May 18, 2015
Last updated October 20, 2020
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