The 2019 Orion Collections Survey asked law firms their No. 1 collections challenge and collected these tips for getting paid.
Originally published May 22, 2022Whenever you spend a bunch of time with a group of people (like your family … ahem), you’re bound to become annoyed with them, at least some of the time. I have worked closely with solo and small firm lawyers for years now and I need an outlet, frankly. I can limit screen time for my kids if they piss me off, but there’s nothing I can do when trying to change the tactics of certain wayward lawyers — save for moral suasion, of which this writing is a part. As always, the idea is not solely to critique and cajole but to find a better way forward.
Originally published May 22, 2022Lawyers looking to make their content more visible should get much more aggressive about guest posting. Here’s how.
Originally published May 22, 2022Sign up for our free newsletter.