Paul Burton | The world is a noisy place. Is it best to just give up and swim in the ocean of distraction? Nope.
Paul H. Burton - March 28, 2023Do you get tongue-tied at cocktail parties? Does making small talk at conferences rate somewhere between vacuuming the car and sitting in the front row of a heavy metal concert? Do we have some tips for you!
Mary Ellen Sullivan - March 5, 2023To address an envelope, you will need to know the recipient's address, your return address, and how to locate a postage stamp.
Bull Garlington - March 2, 2023Paul Burton | You can manage your work or be managed by it. These four tips will keep you in the driver's seat.
Paul H. Burton - February 27, 2023Our legal writing skills series continues with a couple of punctuation marks that often trip up lawyers.
Josh Taylor - February 20, 2023Merrilyn Astin Tarlton | Who knows why we do it, but most of us tend to say “yes” to things when we should say "no."
Merrilyn Astin Tarlton - February 16, 2023Words with the suffix “–nym” pop up regularly. Some are common, but many of the 46 words with this suffix are not. “Nym” derives from the Greek word for “name” or “word.”
Theda C. Snyder - February 15, 2023Annie Little |To unlock the power of your transferable skills, you must effectively describe your soft skills to employers.
Annie Little - February 15, 2023To present a subject effectively, you need to optimize the speaker (you), the course materials, the visual (the PowerPoint) and the notes.
Theda C. Snyder - February 8, 2023Get to the Point! | Getting diacritical marks right in your legal documents can make or break your case.
Theda C. Snyder - February 8, 2023Sign up for our free newsletter.