Law Firm People Management

The Elephant in the Office

Some years back, I worked in an office where the boss was obsessive about how callers were greeted on the phone. Then a new receptionist was hired who just could not get the phrasing to his liking—no matter how hard she tried or how many ...

Joan Feldman - July 18, 2011
T-Rex with open mouth jerks at work
What Did You Call Me?

“I told him right to his face what the deal was. And you know what? That lying scumbag now claims I told him something else! I’m gonna nail him, his client and his client’s mother, if that’s what it takes to teach him not to lie to me!” ...

Otto Sorts - July 11, 2011
Five Reasons to Consider a Virtual Assistant

Law offices tend to be set up quite traditionally. Plenty of lawyers are still users of fax machines and their offices usually contain ancient beasts known as stenographs. It is no surprise that lawyers tend to hire traditionally as well. But ...

Erin Blaskie - July 7, 2011
Why It Pays to Treat Job Candidates Well

The stories are legion. Lawyers apply for posted positions, sweating every detail of their resume and cover letter, and never hear back from the firm. Even worse, candidates make it through the screening process, interview with firm lawyers, ...

Wendy Werner - June 15, 2011
Don’t Negotiate, Collaborate!

It is easy for lawyers to slip into conflict with office staff, colleagues or service providers because most of us have never learned how to craft the kind of agreement that isn't about winning, but creates a meeting of mind and heart. The best ...

Stewart Levine - June 7, 2011
Write a Better Job Description

When you make a bad hiring decision, it is usually because you don't really know what you are looking for. So, what can you do to make sure the interview accurately reflects the nature of job and reveals the candidate’s suitability?

Wendy Werner - May 25, 2011
Feeling a Little List-less?

It’s Friday! If you’re anything like us, you have a long list of must-do’s and want-to-do’s for the coming weekend. Before you ease on out the office door and start checking things off that list, take a peek at this ...

The Editors - May 13, 2011
T-Rex with open mouth jerks at work
Get Out of the Way!

Most law firms have a senior partner who won’t stop doing things the “old way,” who won’t step aside so someone else can do it more efficiently or better. (Fill in your favorite saying about "pots" here.) Here’s the thing: For our clients, we ...

Otto Sorts - April 23, 2011
Managing Up

No one has more impact on the kind of work you do, and the opportunities you receive, than the person you work for—whether a senior partner, group leader or client. Even when you move on, they can make or break future opportunities as a referer ...

Wendy Werner - February 23, 2011
You’re Hired! Here’s How to Stay That Way

Some key lessons for every job seeker, or for anyone who wants to advance their career—and avoid ever hearing "You're fired!"

Lauren Egan and Michael Sachs - February 3, 2011

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