KISS your old plan good by. A simple lawyer marketing plan is better.
If you’ve searched the web for marketing plans, you’ve likely noticed that most so-called legal marketing experts recommend putting together a formal marketing plan. I suppose I fall into that camp — having a marketing plan is a necessity. But I am a contrarian in one key respect. I don’t think there is ever a need to fill out — or even think about filling out — an eight-page template or the like.
Quite simply, I think you should keep your plan simple. One page, two at most.
Nothing fancy.
Why a Short and Simple Marketing Plan Is Better
The rhyme behind my “Keep it simple, stupid” (KISS) reasoning is two-fold.
- First, if you put together an eight-page document — whether a fill-in-the-blank template or a single-spaced narrative — you’ll probably spend hours upon hours writing and editing the document to perfection. (You are a lawyer, after all.) Isn’t your time better spent out of the office and away from your computer, creating and developing relationships with clients and referral sources?
- Second, I don’t believe there is such a thing as a “perfect” marketing plan. Good marketers are always tweaking their plans. Even the best ideas don’t always go according to plan and gears need to be switched. So that the so-called “perfect” marketing plan you created is no longer perfect. (Think of all that time wasted on page four!)
Now, don’t get me wrong. I still believe in plans. But, like I say in this post’s title, “Keep It Simple, Stupid!”
How to Create Your Own KISS Marketing Plan
So, how simple is simple? Take out a piece of paper or open up your preferred document program on your computer. Write down a few goals (less is more), a list of action items you intend to perform to reach each goal, and some deadlines. Lots of bullet points should do the trick.
Now, post that list where you can see it every day. This will be more than enough to keep you focused and to refresh your memory if you’re not sure what you need to do.
If you prefer something even simpler, consider creating a list of a half-dozen or so “once a …” items. Not sure what I mean? Take this list as an example:
- Once a week, I will have coffee or lunch with a client, referral source, or a prospect for either.
- Once a month, I will attend at least one event for the bar association or a community group of which I am a member.
- Once a quarter, I will go to a big bar association event or conference where I can meet at least six to eight new people.
- Once a month or quarter, I will draft and publish a blog post. (Note: Do this only if you like to write!)
- Once a year, I will present at a live seminar or webcast. (Note: Do this only if you like to speak!)
You get the picture. You don’t even have to write this down. It’s so simple, you should always know what you should be doing. And the best marketers always know that.
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