Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility

T-Rex with open mouth jerks at work
Hey, Old Guys!

There's a scene in the movie "Men in Black" when Will Smith's character tries unsuccessfully to get the attention of his bosses, and finally succeeds when he bellows “Hey, Old Guys!” That's a familiar scene around my firm. No, I don't mean we ...

Otto Sorts - October 13, 2011
T-Rex with open mouth jerks at work
High Five the Legal Profession

When my kid played soccer, there was a ritual at the end of every game. Each team would line up single-file, facing in opposite directions, then walk by the entire other team and slap each kid’s hand as a show of good ...

Otto Sorts - September 20, 2011
Can I Say That? Part One

When is it okay to boast about your professional accomplishments online? Say, in blog posts or tweets? And what about in your firm biography, Google profile and listing? Will Hornsby explains some of the stickier rules ...

William Hornsby - August 3, 2011

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