Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility

dealing with burnout
Ethics Watch: Alien Status and Bar Admission

What if you had completed all of the requirements to become an attorney admitted to practice law but, despite your best efforts to rectify the situation, were in the United States without a valid visa? That is exactly the question the Supreme ...

Megan Zavieh - February 24, 2014
Nothing But the Ruth
Using Other Lawyers’ Content on Your Blog: Rein It In

The goal of any blogger should be the same as any content creator — to provide value to readers in terms of information or entertainment. I can't emphasize enough the value of sharing original source material with your audience, as well as ...

Ruth Carter - February 13, 2014
Hacker © iStock - Agustinc
Beware of Phishing! Social Engineering Scams

Some time ago I was stunned by a discussion with a law firm that had almost been scammed into sending several hundred thousand dollars overseas. The incident involved what turned out to be a fraudulent check from a "client" and a request to ...

Mark Bassingthwaighte - January 21, 2014
dealing with burnout
Cloud Computing and the NSA: The U.K. Weighs In

Cloud computing in the practice of law has been a hot topic recently. Regulators in the United Kingdom have issued guidance to solicitors commenting on the practice as it stands in the United States and — of far greater interest — devoting a ...

Megan Zavieh - January 8, 2014
T-Rex with open mouth jerks at work
Lawyers and Social Media: Facebook ‘Em, Danno!

Krebbs came to me for advice. It seems one of his associates had called in sick the day they were to prepare massive final documents for a filing, leaving Johnson high and dry to finish it by himself. That very same night, however, Krebbs saw ...

Otto Sorts - October 17, 2013
E-Newsletters for Lawyers: Ethically Educate and Advertise

If you’ve turned to the web to shop, reserve a hotel room or even sign up for a guest pass to your local gym, you’ve likely become a recipient of the vendors’ e-newsletters. From mega-corporations like Kellogg all the way down to ...

Fred Cohen - October 14, 2013
Law Firm Sinking Ship
Passive Practice Management Sinking Your Law Firm?

Is anybody actually steering the ship at your law firm? Many smaller firms I visit across the country seem to have this in common: a passive practice management style, defined by reactive decision-making. Typically in these ...

Mark Bassingthwaighte - May 22, 2013
Assistant on laptop working legal assistants
Is Your Staff Putting You at Risk?

Staff members do a tremendous amount of work for your firm, and they interact directly with clients in numerous ways. And by the way, Model Rule 5.3: Responsibilities Regarding Nonlawyer Assistants is in play. So you will be on the hook for any ...

Mark Bassingthwaighte - April 8, 2013
Attorney at Work Friday Five
Five Ways to Improve Client Communication

A shocking number of ethics complaints stem from a very simple problem: lawyers not communicating with their clients. Clients pay for our time and effort, and they deserve to hear from us. Plus, our ethical obligations require that we be in ...

Megan Zavieh - March 29, 2013
Keep Your Marketing Out of Ethics Traps

The most important ABA Model Rule governing professional conduct in the area of legal marketing is Rule 7.1, which covers communications concerning a lawyer's services. All states have adopted this rule, worded exactly the same or very close to ...

Roy S. Ginsburg - February 6, 2013

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