Sometimes the stress gets so bad you think your head will explode. Oh, we know the feeling. For this week's Friday Five, we've found some terrific resources and ideas for things you can do to get some relief. Relax and check them out.
The Editors - February 25, 2011No one has more impact on the kind of work you do, and the opportunities you receive, than the person you work for—whether a senior partner, group leader or client. Even when you move on, they can make or break future opportunities as a referer ...
Wendy Werner - February 23, 2011You'd be surprised how often lawyers who've been laid off or fired express complete incredulity. Usually, the signals have been clear. But since no one wants to believe it can happen to them, they find themselves completely unprepared. Don't let ...
Wendy Werner - February 10, 2011Like any solo business, freelance lawyering requires hard work and determination.
Donna Seyle - February 7, 2011Some key lessons for every job seeker, or for anyone who wants to advance their career—and avoid ever hearing "You're fired!"
Lauren Egan and Michael Sachs - February 3, 2011Jordan Furlong | Make a habit each day of thinking in terms of “we,” “our” and “us,” rather than “I,” “mine” and “me.”
Jordan Furlong - January 27, 2011This time of year, many of us resolve to buff up our physical appearance—but what about our personal and professional appearance online? Outside of the home page, lawyer biographies are the most-frequently visited pages on law firm websites. ...
Janet Ellen Raasch - January 24, 2011Knowing the difference between a feature and a benefit when describing your practice can help you improve your marketing success. There’s a simple way to understand it. Think of a typical pencil. Features would include that it’s yellow and ...
Theda C. Snyder - January 10, 2011When it comes to texting, you may not be in the same league as teens, but as texting becomes more and more a part of our lives, the inevitable has started to happen: Overuse injuries—carpal tunnel, eye strain, and neck and back pain. Here are ...
Mary Ellen Sullivan - January 6, 2011There’s no way to avoid it: holiday parties with goodies loaded with sugar, fat and calories. Even the uber-disciplined may find themselves a few pounds heavier at this time of year. But now, according to a new study, there is a smart, simple ...
Mary Ellen Sullivan - December 17, 2010