If you are hard at work building your online presence, with a website, a blog (or two) and social media accounts, soon you’ll find that managing the “back end” can make you a little, well, batty. Preferences. Security settings. Passwords. Comments! Gwynne Monahan, community manager at Clio, has a solution to the comments complexity at least: She manages them all for multiple sites with Livefyre. For today’s Friday Five, she has five reasons you’re going to love it.
The Five Best Things About Livefyre
When I like something, I really like it and take every opportunity to make it known. Call it product advocacy, brand advocacy, whatever. When I like something, you’ll know it. And one of those things is the Livefyre commenting system. Here’s why:
- One profile. I use WordPress for my personal blog, and it’s the platform on which the Clio Blog and Small Firm Innovation run. Managing comments and interactions for all three takes work. Livefyre makes it easy, though, by letting me use one profile. I don’t need to set up one profile to comment and manage my blog and another profile to comment and manage Clio and SFI. It simplifies things a great deal.
- Social pluses. I read. A lot. And I share. A lot. And I like to pull people in or share something I know one or two others will find interesting or useful. Livefyre lets me do that. Mentioning other people in a comment notifies them, and pulls them into the conversation. A simple tweet and poof! They’re part of the conversation. An added benefit is easily exposing the blog to a new audience.
- Comment moderation from one place. I don’t need to be in WordPress to moderate or respond to comments. I can do it all from Livefyre. That means three less tabs to lose in my browser. Sold.
- Customer support. It rocks! Email. Twitter. Whatever the method, it’s always courteous and responsive. The support folks engage in conversation as well, which I like and enjoy. And I have yet to stump them.
- Anti-Gwynne force field. I inadvertently break things. I have an aura that causes technology to briefly stop working when I’m around. Just ask my co-workers at Clio. Livefyre, though, has worked since installation. They even let me beta test their new version.
I’ve used other commenting systems like Disqus, the other popular system, but from a user perspective I found it clunky. Livefyre is super-easy from a user perspective, and that made me try it and fall in love with it as an administrator, too. Don’t take my word for it, though. Go try it out yourself, and see what you think.
Gwynne Monahan is best known by her Twitter handle @econwriter5. She has written several articles on open source applications for lawyers and legal professionals, and has presented on open source as well as issues surrounding social media. She is currently Community Manager for Clio and is spearheading Small Firm Innovation.
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