working part time Career Moves

Working Part-Time Before Retiring From Your Law Practice

By Roy S. Ginsburg

For reasons that escape me, many people in the legal profession believe the practice of law is not amenable to working part-time. While this issue usually arises for new parents, part-time work is also a great option for senior solo and small law firm attorneys to consider before they completely exit the profession.

The Benefits of Working Part-Time

Working part-time is particularly ideal for those senior lawyers who still love practicing but have grown tired of the daily grind. It’s also ideal for those who have no clue what they’ll do once in retirement. Part-time work can also act as a bridge. For instance, some do it until they’re able to receive Social Security benefits. Others pursue part-time work when they want to enhance their overall nest egg.

If you’re a solo or small firm owner thinking about retiring, working part-time can be a significant and practical first step in that direction. And it’s easier than you think. Here’s how.

Be More Selective With Your Client-Base

When you have an incentive to take fewer clients, you’re free to now look for every red flag during the initial screening. If there’s anything that tells you, “I don’t want to work with this person or on this type of matter,” you can simply say no. There are plenty of other lawyers around to help that potential client.

Raise Your Fees

Raising fees works especially well for clients who have come to you via referrals. These clients are never as price-sensitive as lawyers think. Most are only concerned that your fees are in the ballpark of their expectations. Their objective is rarely to find the cheapest attorney in town.

I can already hear some of you saying to yourself, “But I’m going to lose some business if I do that.” That’s the point! And, trust me, your bottom line won’t suffer as much as you fear since the clients that do retain you will be paying more.

But Won’t Downsizing Affect a Possible Future Sale?

As a lawyer, you’ll appreciate this answer: It depends. But I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.

Depending on your practice area and how much you downsize, the firm’s overall numbers may not suffer all that much if you are working part-time. Even if they do suffer, you’ll still likely come out ahead. That’s because the extra money you will have earned by working part-time will usually exceed any loss in the firm’s value when selling.

Is It Time to Consider Moving to a Part-Time Practice?

The time may be ripe to consider a slowdown as opposed to a complete stop. It’s an exit strategy that can work quite well.

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More Advice on Retirement and Succession Planning

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Roy S. Ginsburg Roy S. Ginsburg

Roy Ginsburg, a practicing lawyer for more than 40 years, is an attorney coach and law firm consultant. He works with individual lawyers and law firms nationwide on business development, practice management, career development, and strategic and succession planning. Over the past 15 years, he has helped over 150 solo and small law firm owners across the country in all practice areas develop their succession plans. Learn more at and

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