Microsoft Outlook’s Message InfoBar is often overlooked. That’s unfortunate because it’s a wellspring of, well, info! Vivian Manning has tips for understanding what the InfoBar does and how to use it to save time and clicks.
Originally published May 27, 2022Annie Little says lawyers are terrible listeners. Is that the reputation you want? Three ways to turn it around. Better Listening. Oh, don’t act so shocked. You know it’s true. Even if you’re an exceptionally sensitive lawyer, you’re still stuck dealing with other lawyers. And you’re not exactly a fan of being cut off, condescended […]
Originally published May 27, 2022Camille Stell explains the power of a sabbatical. Here's how taking one can help you begin to consider life after the law.
Originally published May 27, 2022Laura Ernde | Takeaways from the LMA panel featuring Dama Brown, Jordan Coleman, Farschad Farzan, and Lam Nguyen.
May 27, 2022 0 1The right tune can propel you into that game-face headspace you need to swagger into the courtroom or a pitch meeting with a winner's mindset.
Originally published May 27, 2022For Friday Five+ Tech Tips, we invite a dream team of law practice technology experts to give their best advice for tackling the everyday tech quandaries that plague us all, to help your practice run just a bit more smoothly. This month’s question: "What's your best advice for making better presentations?” Heidi Alexander, Jim Calloway, Simon Chester, Reid Trautz and Nora Regis have logged a dizzying number of presentations. Here's what they've learned about powering up your time at the podium.
Originally published May 27, 2022Sign up for our free newsletter.