data redundancy Easy as 1-2-3

5 Ways Support Staff Are Instrumental to Your Practice

By Jared Correia

For every attorney-paralegal relationship that is built on a foundation of mutual respect and admiration, there are several razed under constant consternation, engendered by a sense of entitlement on the lawyer’s part. For every long-standing relationship between a lawyer and his office manager, there are several that won’t even last a year, as part of a larger cycle of constant ingress and egress. This equation could be reversed, however, if more lawyers recognized the true value of support staff, by treating them as colleagues within the context of a team environment, and abandoning the de facto caste system … READ THE REST

Summer 2015 How-To Series

AAW Super Ad 123July 20 to July 30, we’re highlighting nine of Attorney at Work’s most-read, most-shared practice management how-to articles from the past 12 months. We’re calling the series “Easy as 1-2-3” because we love a (numbered) list. And, apparently, so do you! Here’s a sampling from our list of top posts, for your summer reading pleasure.

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Jared Correia Jared Correia

Jared D. Correia is CEO of Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, which offers subscription-based law firm business management consulting services, and works with legal vendors to develop programming and content. Jared is also COO of Gideon Software, Inc., which offers intelligent messaging and predictive analytics software built exclusively for law firms. A former practicing attorney, Jared is the host of the Legal Toolkit podcast and speaks frequently at industry events. In addition to his Attorney at Work column, Managing, he writes an advice column for Lawyerist and on tech startups for Above the Law. Follow him @JaredCorreia.

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