Jay Harrington | One great way to add value for business clients is having a Q4 “off the clock” meeting to discuss the coming year.
Jay Harrington - September 4, 2024Recently, Attorney at Work asked readers to share their note-taking habits and favorite note-taking tools. Read on for the results.
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Bull Garlington - August 28, 2024Teddy Snyder | Consider asking Gen AI tools to analyze some of your legal writing for clarity?
Theda C. Snyder - August 27, 2024Jamie Spannhake | Establishing clear boundaries is essential not only for your well-being but to sustain a successful legal career.
Jamie Spannhake - August 23, 2024Sally Schmidt | Asking good follow-up questions and prompting a conversation is the path to new business.
Sally J. Schmidt - August 22, 2024Analog Attorney | Indian pens are a thing — affordable, beautifully crafted and they write like a dream.
Bull Garlington - August 20, 2024Brooke Lively | What matters most to law firm buyers?
Brooke Lively - August 15, 2024Book Review | "How to Hug a Porcupine" is full of practical tips for dealing with prickly people.
Susan Cohodes - August 13, 2024Sign up for our free newsletter.