Teddy Snyder | Lawyers' top three grammar goof-ups? Sufferin' suffixes, in honor of National Grammar Day, here are the top 10 posts from "Get to the Point!"
Theda C. Snyder - March 3, 2024Teddy Snyder | Communicating ignorance does not make you sound smart or powerful.
Theda C. Snyder - January 9, 2024Teddy Snyder | It turns out there’s a name for filler words such as like, you know, well, umm, and OK.
Theda C. Snyder - December 7, 2023Jay Harrington | Let's dive into some timeless truths that govern the world of law firms.
Jay Harrington - December 5, 2023Teddy Snyder | Regardless of whom you represent, when you act in accordance with your oath, you are being an authentic lawyer.
Theda C. Snyder - November 7, 2023Get to the Point! | Lawyers are notorious for adding suffix upon suffix to kill off perfectly serviceable action verbs to replace them with monsters: zombie nouns.
Theda C. Snyder - October 26, 2023Teddy Snyder | Getting teased about “practicing until you get it right” can feel like an insult. So why is it called a law practice anyway?
Theda C. Snyder - October 10, 2023Jay Harrington | An unvarnished look at how I come up with ideas for long-form content, from a 1,500-word article to a 5,000-word book chapter.
Jay Harrington - October 2, 2023Teddy Snyder | Let's test your attorney grammar skills with a communication quiz! Figure out if these sentences are fine or if you can make them better.
Theda C. Snyder - September 26, 2023Teddy Snyder | A few smartphone word games to help expand your vocabulary.
Theda C. Snyder - August 15, 2023