about me page SEO Secrets

Why Your ‘About Me’ Page Matters More Than Any Other Page 

By Annette Choti

When you think about the most important pages on your website, you probably think about your core practice area pages, homepage or contact page. It is your “About Me” page, however, that matters most. It is a potential client’s first introduction to who you are and how you can help them. What you put there can make the difference in whether a visitor reaches out to you or clicks away.

To produce the strongest About Me page possible — clear, concise and engaging — consider these best practices for writing your page, as well as common mistakes to avoid.

Why Is the About Me Page So Important?

Most people (and companies) seeking legal guidance find their attorneys and law firms online. While convenient, this is not the most personal way to start a professional engagement. However, a strong About Me page can forge a beautiful beginning to the attorney-client relationship.

Think about how you start off most relationships on the right foot. Maybe you have certain gestures or phrases that come to mind when you meet a client for the first time. If you receive a referral, you may have the referring attorney make the introductions. However, the only way you can introduce yourself on your website is through your About Me page. First impressions are essential, particularly in the legal industry. You need to convey both experience and trustworthiness in only a few paragraphs of content.  

How to Write a Brilliant About Me Page

Templates vary. However, there are certain best practices to keep in mind if you want to write an engaging and effective page. The three standard sections are:

  • Highlights on yourself and your experience
  • Your services
  • Your contact information

Present Yourself and Your Experience 

A quality About Me page begins with a clear and concise introduction of who you are and what you do. Describe the scope of your legal practice and your experience. You can highlight significant achievements in your education and legal work as well. Remember that there is a fine line between balancing the information you provide and droning on about your work and accomplishments. If you cross the line, site visitors are more likely to hit the “X” at the top of the screen.   

Should you choose, you can also include some information about your personal life. When done appropriately, this can help you humanize yourself and your law firm. 

Explain How You Can Help (Your Services)

Once you have discussed your experience, it is time to talk about how your legal services can help prospective clients. Descriptions will vary depending on the area of law you practice. You may discuss various practice areas you serve or explain how certain legal processes work. Either way, you want to be brief but straightforward with the content you provide on your services. Depending on your internal linking strategy, you could link applicable phrases to practice area pages. 

Provide Contact Information 

Once you have explained who you are and the legal services you provide, it is time to discuss how potential clients can contact you. Consider doing so in a typically call-to-action style, linking to your contact page. Make sure that your contact information is easily accessible, as website visitors likely want a streamlined process. 

Mistakes to Avoid With Your About Me Page 

If you think you have crafted the perfect About Me page, great! However, beware these common mistakes to be doubly sure your page is engaging and encourages visitors to schedule consultations or services with you.

Some of the most common mistakes attorneys make with About Me pages include the following: 

  • You do not include your name or credentials. If your name is in your law firm, you may not think you need to include it on your About page. However, failing to do so may confuse website visitors and make them question your website’s legitimacy. The same goes if you fail to include your credentials, such as academic history and state bar initiation.  
  • You do not include a photograph. With most tasks being completed online, it can be challenging to forge personal and professional relationships. If you fail to include a photo of yourself on your About page, it will be harder for potential clients to make a connection and move forward to reach out to learn about the services you offer. 
  • You provide too much information. While you want to be sure you provide adequate information, providing too much information may discourage potential clients from reading your page. You do not want to seem intimidating. It is better to appear engaged and informed. 
  • Your writing is boring. Legal documents are not always the most exciting, but that does not mean your About page should be boring. You want to provide enough information to let potential clients know who you are and how you can help, but avoid providing unimportant information that doesn’t assist visitors. 
  • You only provide a video. While video content is helpful in a number of ways, it is crucial to include written material about yourself as well. Not all site visitors are going to like video content, and written content is more likely to load correctly on different screens and devices. 

Improve Your About Me Page, Boost Clientele  

There are numerous ways to boost leads and improve conversation rates. While your About Me page is not the first marketing tactic that comes to mind, it is a compelling page you must take time to customize and optimize. With a clear, concise and demonstrative About Me page, you may start to see an increase in clients. Consider tracking how visitors are getting to your contact page. If you notice increased traffic from your About Me page, you will know that the changes you made have had a positive impact.

Remember to revisit your About Me page occasionally — especially at the beginning of the new year — to ensure all the information is updated and relevant to your practice.  

Image ©iStockPhoto.com

Illustration ©iStockPhoto.com

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Annette Choti Annette Choti

Annette Choti graduated from law school 20 years ago, and is the CEO and owner of Law Quill, a legal digital marketing agency focused on small and solo law firms. She is the author of “Click Magnet: The Ultimate Digital Marketing Guide for Law Firms” (2022). Annette used to do theater and professional comedy, which is not so different from the legal field if we are all being honest. She can be found on LinkedIn or at annette@lawquill.com.

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