Sometimes women let circumstances and self-imposed obligations get between themselves and their big dreams, says Nancy O'Reilly, editor of the new book, "Leading Women: 20 Influential Women Share Their Secrets to Leadership, Business, and Life." ...
Merrilyn Astin Tarlton - May 15, 2015If you’re subjecting yourself to an online cattle-call and hoping it will somehow result in a new job, you’d better hope that part of the job description is “sheep-like; blindly follows the crowd and pointless instructions from people ...
Mike O'Horo - August 4, 2014You do remember that it's Valentine's Day today, right? Or have you been so busy with work, and life (and the Sochi games), you totally forgot? Maybe like some of us (gulp), you put off the gift-giving decision too long and now you're in a ...
The Editors - February 14, 2014Ah, for a week with endless hours to relax and read a few of the beautiful books on those end-of-year "top selling" and "best of" lists. Whether curled up by a cozy fire or digging your toes into some warm tropical sand, there's nothing better ...
Joan Feldman - December 21, 2012For today's Friday Five, we have five good reasons to add a little light to your life and celebrate next week's Winter Solstice—the shortest day of the year and its longest night. That's right, in 2012, the earliest winter since 1896 arrives ...
Merrilyn Astin Tarlton - December 14, 2012At last, it's a nice long summer holiday break! With triple-digit temperatures the norm, there's no better time to pour a nice tall cool one, put your feet up in a shady spot and take a bite out of your summer reading list. Don't have a list? ...
The Editors - July 5, 2012I may not always know what I’m talking about, but I always know the time. Believe it or not, prior to 1988, over 97 percent of all lawyers wore watches. Yes, I made that stat up. However, it’s likely true. In today’s world, though, I am noticing ...
William Melater - June 7, 2012Hooray, it’s a three-day weekend! All across the States, folks are heaving a sigh of relief at having a Monday off from their crazy schedules. But Memorial Day weekend—with its annual mix of events (and emotions) that run the gamut from backyard ...
Joy White - May 25, 2012Here at Attorney at Work, we're suckers for stories of personal reinvention, and second (or third) careers. So when we heard Darlene Quinn's first novel was published when she was 70 (and it won a national award), we were intrigued. And we ...
Darlene Quinn - March 14, 2012Yes, you can make all your holiday arrangements while sitting down in front of your computer. Online shops, electronic greeting cards, restaurant reservations ... it’s all pretty clean and easy these days. But there are a few—and we’re among ...
The Editors - December 16, 2011