In-House Lawyer

how to be a good mentee
Three Tips on How to Be a Great Mentee

As a long-time mentor, I have had the privilege of mentoring hundreds of mentees. An experienced mentor provides guidance and support, helping mentees grow and develop. Some of these mentor relationships lasted only for a single 30-minute ...

Meyling "Mey" Ly Ortiz - September 10, 2024
executive presence
Unpacking Executive Presence for Young Lawyers

Meyling Ly Ortiz | Now that I’m in-house, executive presence is a phrase I hear often, usually in conversations about influence and leadership.

Meyling "Mey" Ly Ortiz - May 31, 2024
career Growth
Three Tips for Owning Your Career as a Young Lawyer

Meyling Ly Ortiz | One of the most pernicious myths for young lawyers is that someone will teach you everything you need to know about practicing law.

Meyling "Mey" Ly Ortiz - February 13, 2024
accepting your mistakes
How to Handle a Mistake as a Young Lawyer

Meyling Ly Ortiz | Almost everything is fixable if you catch it early enough.

Meyling "Mey" Ly Ortiz - January 12, 2024
build your lawyer network
Three Places to Spend Your Networking Time

Meyling Ly Ortiz | You are never too young (or too old) to build a network. Here are three places to start that won't feel fake.

Meyling "Mey" Ly Ortiz - September 19, 2023
in-person time
Showing Up: How to Boost Young Lawyers’ Success in a Hybrid World

Meyling Ly Ortiz | Want to build relationships with the partners? In-person time at the office is a must for young lawyers in a hybrid work environment.

Meyling "Mey" Ly Ortiz - May 11, 2023
young lawyer training
Stagnating? Three Tips on Getting the Training You Want as a Young Lawyer

Meyling Ly Ortiz | Fortunately, there’s more than one way for young lawyers to find the training they need to grow.

Meyling "Mey" Ly Ortiz - January 12, 2023
in-house counsel
Even In-House Counsel Need to Market

Educate clients on how to manage their relationship with the legal department to excel in their own career. You’ll both be stars.

Theda C. Snyder - August 25, 2022
Three Time-keeping Tips for Brand-New Lawyers

Meyling Ly Ortiz | Law firms often miss the mark — presuming they spend any time at all mentoring young associates — with teaching timekeeping.

Meyling "Mey" Ly Ortiz - June 14, 2022
in-house corporate counsel
How to Become an In-House Lawyer: Five Tips for Starting Off Strong

Meyling Ly Ortiz | Starting your first job in-house? Here are a few suggestions for making a successful transition.

Meyling "Mey" Ly Ortiz - May 28, 2022

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