You At Work

Young professional looking at question mark melater
Building a Referral Network from the Ground Up

Clients are always looking for a law firm or lawyers with tremendous experience in xyz. Clients are very rarely looking for a lawyer with zero experience in xyz. Yet, in most law firms today, young lawyers are expected to bring in work—any ...

William Melater - February 23, 2012
Heading Back to Work, Part 1: Preparing for Re-entry

If you have been away from the workplace for an extended period of time, re-entering the job market can feel overwhelming, even frightening. People returning to work normally experience myriad emotions, both positive and not so positive. It is ...

Marcia Pennington Shannon - February 21, 2012
Take Some Travel Apps for a Spin

Perhaps you’re an insatiable traveler, never quite at home unless you’re not at home. Perhaps work regularly tears you away from the comforts of home, and you’re always looking for ways to make it less of a pain. Or maybe for you, planning the ...

The Editors - February 17, 2012
Valentine’s Day: What We’ll Do for Love

So, maybe this year you want to give a valentine that will seal the deal. Or heal a rift. Or simply say, "I love you!" If this isn't your first time at the valentine rodeo, you already know there are many, many things a valentine can say—and ...

The Editors - February 10, 2012
Fear of Speaking? How to Banish Fear and Give an Applause-Worthy Speech

Yes, we can hear the jokes now. A lawyer who is afraid to speak is like a vegan at a steakhouse—not only rare (no pun intended) but also a bit laughable. But wait. To many a lawyer, fear of speaking is not funny, it is an unhappy reality. But ...

Mary Ellen Sullivan - February 9, 2012
T-Rex with open mouth jerks at work
Sullied by the Practice of Law

It rested on the credenza of his corner office looking battered and well-used, not unlike the lawyer behind the desk. “My daddy carried that to court for 20 years, and gave it to me when he finally retired. I carried it for 30 more, and had it ...

Otto Sorts - January 31, 2012
Sharpening the Saw: Painless Professional Development Ideas

I have a friend who is a gifted planner. We often get together near the end of the year, and I find her scheduling her professional development activities for the upcoming calendar year, and her vacation. She finds that doing so means that both ...

Wendy Werner - January 30, 2012
Young professional looking at question mark melater
Did You Say ‘Yoots’?

I arrived early for the deposition but somehow, in his mind, I was late. I was also young. This angered him. I went to shake his hand, but his arm never moved. Rather, he looked me up and down and sarcastically said, “Great, looks like we’re ...

William Melater - January 26, 2012
Can’t We Just Do Lunch?

You don’t need a coach to tell you that taking a partner or client to lunch is a great way to forge and further business relationships. But a recent—and for me, jaw-dropping—conversation with some women associates got me thinking there may be ...

Ellen Ostrow - January 3, 2012
Celebrating the Year’s Best Ideas

As 2011 draws to a close, we bring you the biggest hits from Attorney at Work’s first year—in the form of two great downloads and two collections of posts by some of our most popular authors. Here’s your opportunity to catch up on ...

The Editors - December 28, 2011

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